Saturday, February 19, 2011

February 17th- Day 10

This morning I woke up absolutely frightened! I was nervous and had " butterflies" in my stomach.  Our jump was scheduled to be at 9:20, that's when we had to report to the store and load the buses to go to the Nevis jump. Liza and I had gone to the store at 8, they had this policy that if you do a jump with them they would supply you free Internet. Well seeing how we didn't want to pay $3/hr at other places we went to the bungy store. And of course all throughout the place there were t.v.'s showing all of the jumps and styles that you can do. To be quite honest, the t.v.'s only made me more nervous! This was a 134 meter jump, which is longer than the length of a football field. Finally 9:20 rolled around and we loaded the buses. It was about a 30minute drive up the mountain and when we got to the top Liza and I both looked at each other and said "what were we thinking"!! The building we were to jump out of was suspended by wires! We could see the river below! And we were terrified. I don't think I have ever been this intimidated by height.  Once we had gotten over to the jump building by cart, we stepped inside and it was rocking back and forth. Right before they suited us up with anklets Liza and I said a prayer to get us through this jump. 

 This photo was taken right before I took my leap of faith. The yellow hanger down at my feet was actually quite heavy and the weight of it pulled you down. At this moment I was really starting to wonder why in the heck I signed up for this. I thought I was completely out of my mind.
 This is right after I jumped. Honestly...I was scared to death and screaming my head off at this point.
 This is taken on my way down, I end up falling way past the white ropes you can see at the skyline.
 This is my "fake" smile as I wait my turn to jump. They had me strapped into this chair while they connected all of the bungy cords to my harness. The green anklets is what was holding me to the bungy cord. Once I finished my jump I wasn't able to pull a cord out to release me from hanging upside down. So as a consequence I was pulled back up by my feet.
 Another picture of me descending. The crew told us right before we jumped that if we happen to touch the water below, something went wrong. I must say, that was not very comforting. The building we jumped out of was only suspended by wires that were drew from one side of the canyon to the other. And inside the building the floors were clear so you could see the other jumpers on the way down.
For each jump you do the crew made you fill out a toe tag. Not very comforting really, but this is one of my toe tags I had the pleasure of filling out throughout the whole bungy experience. 
Liza went first, I was next. When she jumped she screamed her lungs out and suddenly she had reached the bottom. As they hoisted her up they made me go over to the chair and tied ropes to my harness. With the anklets around my feet I couldn't really move so I had to ease my way to the ledge with the weight of the harness and ropes pulling at my feet. At first the crew counted down to 1, and I couldn't do it. Then i said "SH**" under my breath and jumped! It was an 8 second free fall. The whole way down I kept expecting to be bounced back up by the cord, but it never came. Until finally I was pulled back up and was swung from side to side by my feet. Ahhh! Pull me up is all I could think about. On my way back up the ropes at my feet at shifter and I fell about a foot, that's when I said to myself, "oh great I'll be the first ever tragedy of the bungy jump". But I got to the building and thanked God I had made it.
Once I made it over to solid ground I wanted to kneel down and kiss it! I was so blessed to be on the ground. It was an amazing unforgettable experience. I'm glad I did it, but I don't think I could do it for another 21 years. I have never felt soo relieved that something was over that quickly.
That afternoon I went back to town and got another Fergburger to absorb all of my fear anxiety. Later that night I even found my first Dr. Pepper since I've been in New Zealand...that made the day totally worth it.

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